Vital Elements of Mobile Responsive Real Estate Templates

The strides of technology have made everything almost portable. Every year, the processing power of mobile phones is increased dramatically.

Tasks like web browsing, email, video chatting, and gaming have made their way into our smartphones. Portability, processing power, and accessibility have made smartphones nigh inseparable in our lives. Indeed, many users opt to get their online fix via the smartphone, tablets, and phablets.

There is a big incentive for business-savvy real estate companies to ensure that their website can display correctly and gorgeously in a mobile format. It is currently a pressing need for all industries, not just real-estate, to support the mobile-friendly website design. 

Mobile is the Future

In a 2020 census, there were 313 million internet users in the US, with 274 million mobile internet users. It is projected to grow more in the following years. 

It is such a fertile ground for an ambitious top-tier real estate professional. The increased reach of the internet via mobile gadgets has made it a new avenue to gain real estate leads.

A real-estate business engages clients in any way imaginable. Clients could drop-in, phone-in, chat-in, or comment on the social media of the company. The best real estate professional engages clients face-to-face, on the phone, and over the internet. The social game of a real estate businessman should be high.

One thing to note, the mobile experience is quite different from a widescreen desktop. The screen is smaller than a desktop monitor, and the input is via touchscreen.

For a decent real estate design company, this is a non-issue. A great real estate website design agency can provide the same seamless and best experience for a client via desktop, laptop, and mobile.

The Essential 10 Must-Haves of a Mobile-Friendly Website

  • An Outstanding First-Time Experience – Setting up a website isn’t just plunking down, code, and host a website. A website has the impact of a business card and the first look into a company. Everything must be seamless. 

A website is a visual storyboard. It embodies the company’s vision, mission, and scope of offered services. A negative impression on a website will taint the user’s bias and will be detrimental to the company in the long run. Care must be taken in designing the layout, theme, the palette, fonts, style, and content. These factors will make up the image of the brand. Getting a wow or a pleased-raised-eyebrow is a big step in marketing your business.

  • Easy Navigation and Access – The small screen and the touchscreen input of a mobile gadget provides a different experience than a desktop or laptop. The best mobile website blends simplicity and aesthetics. Users are very picky. The website might be gorgeous, but it will not be patronized if it is clunky to use. 

The best mobile experience comprises of stunning visuals, informative content, simple scrolling, and intuitive navigation. Users will appreciate if the content can be read just by scrolling instead of tapping links via the smallish screen. Navigation should be direct and straightforward. One tap at the menu is all it needs to access everything the site can offer. 

Embedded images and video should be of high-quality and interactive tools like the zoom should work seamlessly. A pinnable map is an indispensable tool in real estate. The business could even add live chat for added contact options.

  • Coherent and Organized Layout – A cluttered website is not a useful tool. A mobile-friendly real estate website utilizes a fantastic layout that will highlight the contents. Judicious use of theme, headers, subheaders, background, graphics, and colors will effectively frame the testimonials, portfolios, contact, and other information. 

A constructive layout will provide information in a pleasing and hassle-free manner to users. It will also result in straightforward navigation. A perfect design will be easy to use and intuitive.

  • Remarkable Array of Content – The internet’s flexibility enables site creators to provide a wide range of writing, image, video, and interactive content. Users much appreciate a site that can offer diverse and exciting content. 

A featured property could gather more interest if it has high-quality images, a property walkthrough video, and an interactive blueprint that showcases the floor plan. You could also shoot a video on the neighborhood the property is located. It will help acquaint out-of-town buyers. An exciting online tour of the property can whet the appetites of the clients. 

A photograph of the real estate team is also a bonus, putting faces on its names. The multimedia approach can garner a positive impression and can reinforce the trustworthiness of the real estate company. 

It is crucial to note that the delivery of media content via mobile and desktop can differ. Ensure that the mobile view’s images would still be of high-quality, and the size is just right. Keep the fit of the perspective of the site’s images applicable to both desktop and mobile views.

  • Clear and Concise Content – Reading the website on the mobile view should not be taxing to the user’s eyes. Ensure that the mobile view font is easy to read and can be adjusted by gestures. The content of the website should provide a clear outline of what the business can provide. 

Reinforce the company’s position as an industry leader by posting real estate related content and news. Testimonials from previous clients are an added plus and can increase trust ratings from users. 

Above all, keep your property listing informative and correct. These tidbits of information can help users decide on the purchase. The contact us page should be identifiable and accessible. Don’t forget the ways a client can contact the company.

  • Easy Way to Contact – The use of a mobile phone while viewing the website can provide a unique opportunity. A button can contact you through the phone or chat with just one tap, keeping in line with the ease of access feature. This button will provide your sales and marketing team leads that they can pursue.
  • A Genuine Business Address – Hiding your address is a fishy situation in any business. Putting your business address at the footer of the site and the other contact details can provide users a variety of ways to contact the company. Although unlikely, you still have a way for people to get your business via postal mail. It will also bump up the trustworthiness and credibility of the company.
  • Social Media Presence – The rise of social media has created a new trend in the business sector. Increased interaction with the target demographics, brand awareness, easy way to contact businesses, and highly visible social responsibility are just some ways social media impacted business. Successful businesses utilized the unique reach of social media in enticing and capturing their target population. The real estate industry should make haste and take part in the harvest. 

Embarking on a dynamic social media campaign can help elevate interest and acquire future clients of the company. It will also help marketing and sales by creating digital content on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube that can dazzle entertain mobile users. 

Contact us if you need a website design or template that operates well both on desktop and mobile. 

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